Today was a great was filled with friends and plenty of good times. I did indeed get to go shopping today, and found one dress that I loved...and it was on sale, which is always a plus. I will most likely wear it tomorrow, because I am the type of gal that can't wait to get into something after I buy it.So hopefully you get to see it soon. It was a lot of fun, and as I mentioned in the title...I was finally able to try coffee.
I only had one class today because the rest got I got to sleep in.Then after class I headed to the mall to do some serious shopping with my friend Janessa(who is starting her own blog soon). Then we headed home with our spoils to catch Project Runway and scope out some good vintage shops to check out when we go out of town this summer. All in all it was a great day.
Also, school is finally winding down for the summer and I am so excited. However, this also means time for finals week and registering for classes, which is going to make for a very busy few weeks. Also, I am currently in debate of changing my major. I am currently in education, but with different experiences throughout the last few years, I am currently giving serious consideration to fashion merchandising. Hopefully I can make my decision soon and get on with my summer.
Tomorrow, another friend of mine and I are heading out to a I'm pretty excited. Maybe some pics from there as well. Thanks for reading about my exciting day! Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow to share some photos of my trip.
Dress - Old Navy
Sandals - Old Navy
Ring - gift
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